


“People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that’s what everyone wants. But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that’s holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life. A true soul mate is probably the most important person you’ll ever meet, because they tear down your walls and smack you awake.”

-Elizabeth Gilbert

41 thoughts on “Welcome

    • Every people have their own perspectives about their life and relationships. We meet people, get along with them, share bit of our life with them, but at the end when the commitment part comes they just turn away. Thanks for liking my post dear 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • You are very welcome. I know that looking and finding and loosing and hoping and crying and all of the stuff i have not listed is part of life, but I am finding it is getting tiring. 🙂

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  1. Greetings@Nimmi,
    “Love is one of the most profound emotions known to human beings. For some, romantic relationships are the most meaningful element in their lives, providing a source of fulfillment outside of ourselves. But the ability to have a healthy, loving relationship is not all innate. Failed relationships happen. Breakups can be so hard, and they can be amicable; no matter what, no one really wants to go through them. The loss of your relationship can bring on intense heartache and stress. But there are plenty of things you can do to get through this difficult time and move on. You can even learn from the experience and grow into a stronger, wiser person.”

    Question: In spite of your status now (married or single), are you ready to have a healthy, loving relationship in a new mind set?

    Question: Might you ask yourself in the near future, what love is?

    Answer: The answer is, love is universal. It is the nature of God the creator of heaven and earth. Love (our creator’s Love) transcends all barriers, is patient, is kind, and never envies anybody, neither is it boastful, nor selfish, or rude, or takes on anger quickly, or rejoice in the faults of others, but finds pleasure in truth, and of course, it faces everything and endures for ever. [1 Corinthians 13: 1-13]


    True love guarantees “a healthy and loving relationship,” for everyone. And a woman who takes a platonic stance before entering into a relationship with a man (meaning a sexless relationship), will certainly earn that respect. O Yes, after trying all his tricks and she still holds on to her pride (self importance) and dignity: he gets the message, and he knows that she values herself highly, and before she knows it that deceiver is gone, if in fact he was one, and her feelings is not hurt period.


    Remember always that love is patient, but lust is not, and built up emotions if not controlled cannot wait. If single, many will come to you, and will go as they come, but the one who stays and respect your view on relationship, sex and marriage is the one you should try to know more about, and if compatible, start talking about future plans, if he is interested
    Know also those single and married women who still carry the person, who hurt them and moved on, in your heart, are doing an injustice to themselves. This is so because they have actually made that first man in their lives an idol, and holding on to that person they create what is called “soul-tie.” And unless they break that tie and let the him go completely, they cannot love, and release surrender their all to the person who perhaps really loves you, and married them for a lifetime.


    Finally, human beings need a new nature and a new mind to love— in its true sense. Christ is universal and is love. So with the nature of Christ one can truly love herself/himself first, and subsequently demonstrate His love to others. Falling in love with Christ is essential and this makes one complete in Him. Falling in love with Christ is practical if one comes to Him with an open mind.


    Thus with an open mind, one may say, God creator of heaven and earth, I love you. I have been rebelling against your love for me. Forgive me of all the wrong things I have done. I need your divine nature to do the right things now, and I invite Christ as my new friend in my heart and life. Come into my heart Christ, and be my friend for ever. Christ I love you.

    By inviting Christ into your life, He gives you a new life, a new mind set, and a new nature, a new identity, (you belong to the family of God), a new sense of value, and a new purpose for living. And with Christ love: you can truly love your husband, if married, as you love yourself; others, too. May God richly bless you.
    You may read and learn more about Christ and His love for man in the New Testament.


    Liked by 2 people

  2. Ode to Horace Mann

    Be ashamed to die until you have won
    Some victory for humanity. Horace Mann

    Be aware that energy is life, save some for your kids.
    Be afraid that our minds are bent by news not books.
    Be awed by the healing power of the simple purple cone flower.
    Be amazed that after four short years she knows so much.
    Be awake before the bombs drop, before the money rules.
    Be agile: live in a town that walks and bikes to work and play.
    Be amused by ants and birds, goats and potato fields, lilacs and sycamores.
    Be angry only long enough to solve the problem, then move on.
    Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Nimmi, I’m glad we met in Blogging 201. I hope you had a great holiday season! I’ve been following your posts, and wanted to let you know how much I have been enjoying your poems. Thank you also for all your comments on my posts. One last tip I wanted to share – you don’t need that apostrophe in your blog title. (Sorry, it’s the editor in me.) 🙂 All the best to you in 2015!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hey dear Sue, Wishing you a great year ahead. Thank you so much dear for liking my poems. And I’m also happy that we connected. My happiness is double to connect with such a lovely and caring friend. Your suggestions are always welcome and appreciated! I’ll definitely check into it.
      Happy New year my dear friend 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Tears the walls down and smacks you in the face, now I know you didn’t write this but you were inspired to use it, this is something that needs to be under scoured. A true soul can take your entire life to find. This is my experience. It also talked a lot to keep once that person is found. It’s a commitment, a responsibility,there’s so much that goes with all of this it would take me a whole post to explain. I am very passionate about this one. I thank you for you bring the subject up.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Wow!!! Sounds interesting that someone out there is also love this subject 😉 Will have a blast together 😉
      Yes, dear, you are very true, finding and keeping a true soul mate is a tough thing. However, I think let be patient and let the soul find its mate. And you talked about the commitment, responsibility and all that, I think there should be love, understanding and respect too, else everything will automatically fall into place.
      ‘Tears the walls down and smacks you in the face’ Thanks for this one 😉 Thank you once again dear 🙂


    • That’s just so great. I guess, Just download the award from the nominators blog and upload it in your page. And, the rules too 🙂 I guess, It helps… 🙂


    • Oh!! That’s absolutely fine. You can definitely take your time. Everything will be get into place. And, There’s no age for learning. You can do it 🙂


  5. Nimmi Pavithran!
    The name is enough to be a soul-mate.
    I think your name is Nirmala which you might have shortened it to Nimmi and Pavithran of course your surname.
    Nirmala, the meaning is pure, soft.
    Pavithran means one is pure and pristine.
    Both are enough proof of a good soulmate that one could be.
    I fully and completely agree what you have said here of :-Elizabeth Gilbert.
    Love To You!

    Liked by 1 person

    • So sorry for replying so late… Having a very busy phase of life.
      Aw!!! I just loved the way you explained my name.
      However, my name is Nimmi and Nirmala and Pavithran is my parents name and yes, you said it right, their name means the same… Pure!
      You are a sweetheart and your explanation had touched me.
      Thank you so much dear!!
      Peace and Love to you too. 🙂


  6. Nimmi!
    My name is Shivakumar in the official record and I have shortened it to Shiva as my father and few others call me. I am also known as Shiv by many of my friends. My mother calls me Shivvi. In the family by younger ones I am being addressed as Shivanna.
    Here I am to give you some information why Shivakumar, when I was born the Kumars in the Hindi film Industry were very popular like – Ashok Kumar, Rajendra Kumar, Pradeep Kumar, Kishore Kumar, Uttam Kumar, and so many ……I was born on ‘Shivarathri Day’ .
    Let that be so…..
    Now, I am to inform you to read my Post “Distant Heart” which speaks of Soulmates.
    Please read and comment on that. It is on my front Page right now. Do also read other posts. After your response I shall recommend you some of my Posts which you may like.
    You are a Sweet Heart too.
    You just read it and tell me how sweet it is.
    Love to You.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hello Sir!!
      What a great story behind your name. And loved knowing you better. 🙂
      Just visited your world (blog) and read the ‘Distance Heart’, the poem is not just beautiful but have a true insight of love a distance love.
      Thank you for sharing. Hope you had a great day ahead 🙂
      Love to you too.


  7. I had not ever given such details of my name to anybody in this blog world.
    You enjoyed that is enough.
    I shall recommend you some posts of mine and other bloggers to read and understand about this life.
    What sorts of pain and joy people are facing you shall come to know. OK
    Just keep in touch.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aw! That’s so sweet and kind of you. I loved the way you explained both of our names.
      I enjoyed the connection we have and love to learn more.
      Thank you so much for this lovely support. 😊


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