32 thoughts on “Unexpected Changes…

  1. How nice when someone we love comes back to us after some absence. True, change is unchangable. I missed you like many others around here who love you but knowing why you were absent I am happy for you and pray for all the best. Welcome back!


  2. No
    It’s just they are unprepared
    And the other times
    It’s just relative
    Because we never know
    What the other person goes through
    They might be going through a lot as well

    It’s all just a relative world.

    Change is persistent.

    Happy Times.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. The images you have inserted in all the posts are amazing and I just loved to see them.
    Nimmi these are words which come truly from an experienced person who has faced and seen changes in the life of certain people and how their acts have directly imposed on their behavior.
    Nice one Dear.
    Keep the work going in good spirits always.

    Liked by 1 person

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