16 thoughts on “Your Gift… Pain

  1. Nimmi…
    You may get more likes here n lots of love. But the feelings you are expressing I your words may not be the best position to be in. Though we all know it is all easier said than done, but it’s not impossible to Move on from any bad experiences in life. And it will not happen unless YOU put your own effort. If you want to use your words or poems , why don’t you make them motivate you. Tel us how you want to come out rather than expressing how much you are suffering Coz of the pain.
    If it’s jus the topic you are picking to write, m totally okay with it. I jus wrote all this coz I think it’s more than merely words , it’s emotions out there.
    Please tune this out if there’s nothing like what I think.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hey Maddy,
      I truly appreciate your concern and love for me. I totally agree with you here, that if I want to be happy/let go of the negative feelings, then I and only I have to make an effort. And trust me, I’m trying my level best to let go of this, but, these feelings, memories and that face is haunting me like anything… Time will heal my pain.. I’m writing down/share it with the world, giving me a little relief from my pain, that’s why I’m writing.
      However, I will try to write something different/positive soon.
      You truly understand me, Maddy. I’m so glad that I have joined WP and met a wonderful and supportive friend like you.
      Big Hug and Love to you my dear ❤
      Thank you 🙂


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